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Layla Donnelly

Interior Designer

I was a DJCAD student who just finished my 4th year of Interior & Environmental Design at the University of Dundee. Previously however I studied at Belmont Academy, in Ayr where amongst my subjects studied were Geography  at advanced higher and Art & Design at higher level, in which largely influenced my creative career through in depth project work.


As a design student I am in the process of discovering where my specific interests lie, but I find that my admiration of cultural influences from extensive overseas travels are a major influence within my work and how I perceive the world.


I was fortunate to have a placement in Studio MB (, one of the UK's leading exhibition designers where gained a lot of experience and I was able to help develop my skills on Adobe Illustrator and SketchUp as well as observe how these designs are successfully created within the industry. I was also stimulated into both individual problem solving and working as part of a group where there was collective contributions and consideration in order to resolve it. This placement showed me the importance of Interior and Graphic Designers work within the field and the impact it has on our everyday lives. This industrial viewpoint stressed that it's not always about delivering the concept of design but ensuring to satisfy the customer's aspirations and conflicts within budgets and regulations.


I am naturally creative, driven and enthusiastic to achieve success in this my chosen field and seeking to consistently further my knowledge and achievements. Consequently i am excited to see what the future holds for me in further designs in Interior, and see my signature on the world. 

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